Saturday, February 21, 2009

How To Make Mllions Through Birdnest Farming

I have known several individual had earned 5 figure income through Swiftlet ranching and it's residual. To see how they do this, you may viewing it at and search 'Swiftlet Farming'.I must say before you invest your money, do some reading and research on this subject and be willing to take risk because successfull rate is only 35%.Just to let you know, I am very much involved and interested in this industry. When I was 16 years old I used to follow my father to collect bird'snest from a cave not far from my village. I have consumed the nest soup and I love the taste. Try it yourself.

Swiflet Industries Make US Billion In Asia

Processing birdnest in Sarawak. The cleaned nest can fetch up to US 5,000 - US 10,000 per kg. This birdnest from swiflet aerodramus species mainly found in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam were export to Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.