Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Indonesia may export birdnest to China

The launch of exports of bird’s nests to China marked the 65th anniversary of theestablishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which will becommemorated on April 13, said Soegeng Rahardjo, Indonesia ambassador to China inBeijing last Thursday.

The ambassador made his remarks at a press conference on Indonesian bird’s nest exportsto China in the Indonesian Embassy. “The first batch of bird’s nests were exported fromIndonesia to Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou on Jan. 29. This is an important milestoneafter a five-year-long process,” he said.

Due to food safety issues in 2011, the Chinese Accreditation and CertificationAdministration (CNCA) temporarily stopped bird’s nest exports from Indonesia. After along process, the two countries finally agreed to reopen trading. Now, six Indonesiancompanies have been granted licenses by the CNCA to export the product to China.

Soegeng emphasized that Indonesia is able to produce birds’ nests that meet quality andfood security standards in China.

Gu Shaoping, director general of the CNCA, remarked that China will increase itssupervision of the trade to ensure that the exports from Indonesia are safe forconsumption. Furthermore, a traceability system has been introduced to ensure comprehensive supervision.

According to Soegeng, Indonesia is the biggest producer of bird’s nests in the world,accounting for 70 percent of the total, while China is the biggest importer. Therefore, the provision of export licenses will benefit both countries. – People Daily