Monday, March 16, 2009

Good Animal Husbandry Practice (GAHP)

This video I took when I attended a swiftlet ranching course recently in Malaysia. The swiftlet ranching in Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia is practicing GAHP.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Earn Residual Income Through Swiftlet Ranching

I have known several individual had earned 5 figure income through Swiftlet ranching and it's residual. To see how they do this, you may viewing it at and search 'Swiftlet Farming'. I must say before you invest your money, do some reading and research on this subject and be willing to take risk because successfull rate is only 35%.Just to let you know, I am very much involved and interested in this industry. When I was 16 years old I used to follow my father to collect bird'snest from a cave not far from my village. I have consumed the nest soup and I love the taste. Try it yourself.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I am currently helping one Birdnest Processing plant to get HACCP certification. This company is planning to export their products to Hong Kong and Taiwan. With HACCP certification, customer has confidence in the product and to ensure the edible birdnest is pure.

In 2006 I was appointed to do compliance audit to one plant in Malacca. This plant produce essense of birdnest. The plant had implemented HACCP and GMP through one of the recognise certification body in Malaysia. The plant met the standard for Veterinary Health Mark 'VHM' therefore I recommended to the committee and manage to get the VHM logo.