Saturday, March 14, 2009

Earn Residual Income Through Swiftlet Ranching

I have known several individual had earned 5 figure income through Swiftlet ranching and it's residual. To see how they do this, you may viewing it at and search 'Swiftlet Farming'. I must say before you invest your money, do some reading and research on this subject and be willing to take risk because successfull rate is only 35%.Just to let you know, I am very much involved and interested in this industry. When I was 16 years old I used to follow my father to collect bird'snest from a cave not far from my village. I have consumed the nest soup and I love the taste. Try it yourself.


  1. Global Excellent Marketing Sdn Bhd (GEM), Perunding, Pembangunan & Pengurusan Industri Burung Walet, Pakarekabentuk Rumah Burung Walet :-

    GEM Community (Direktori/Forum):-

  2. Thank you, If I not mistaken I have visited your booth during the last MAHA 2008 in Serdang, Selangor. I wish you all the best and hoping to hear you make millions.
